Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in C++ Tamil - Part 5

Fahrenheit and Celsius are two unit for measure temperature. We have standard formula to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using this formula you can change temperature Fahrenheit to Celsius


 c = (f - 32 ) * 5/9 ;

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit in C++


int main()
 float cel, far;
  cout<<"Enter temp. in Fahrenheit : ";
   cel = ( far - 32 ) * 5 / 9;
  cout<<"Temp. in Celsius : "<<cel;

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in C++ Tamil - Part 5 Convert  Fahrenheit to Celsius  in C++ Tamil - Part 5 Reviewed by Viththiyakaran on 9:10β€―PM Rating: 5

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